The bonnie banks of Loch Lomond
Laomainn: The Bonnie Banks Of Loch Lomond"The Bonnie Banks
Of Loch Lomond" is the first digital single released by "Laomainn",
a musical outfit dedicated to the beauty of Scottish and Celtic music
in general.
As one of the most famous Scottish ballads this wonderful traditional song not only evokes the beauty of nature at that wonderful lake area but also feelings of loss and yearning about true love. It exists in many different versions and arrangements throughout the history of music. Laomainn arranged it in a very unpretentious way only using layered keyboards in the background, guitar chords emphasizing on the chord movement pointing more towards the ancient drone-character of the tune, the beautiful song-line and the heartfelt vocal performance.
Astonishing about this version is the duo of low-whistle and overtone-singing in the solo-part of the song. Overtone-Singing is an ancient vocal-technique, in which the song-melody is being created by the harmonics of one or more fundamental notes, that are sung by humming with the human voice.
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"The whole song and interpretation has been given a makeover and has a lush acoustic feel to it, bringing a much needed freshness to the composition, the whistle and acoustic guitar combination has a nice Celtic resonance, and Laomainns vocals gift us something of an added texture to the song, one that should appeal to all of those who love this piece and wish to explore its natural historical values once more." (Steve Sheppard, One World Music)